Friday, April 22, 2011

Beehive Buzz-Addition Style

I am trying to get a head start on next year. The following activity can be used for an early addition center. 
Addition Center Activity
Click for printables!


  1. This is so great! Thanks for sharing!
    How did you get a collage of your activities up on your post without all of your pictures looking squished? I keep trying, but my pics get all distorted!

  2. This is great! We are starting addition/subtraction in Kindergarten when we return from break next week! This will be perfect for my students!!

    What happens in kindergarten... lasts a lifetime

  3. Thanks, just trying to contribute to the blog world of teaching!

    Jennifer- After you make a ClipArt, you highlight all the graphics you want to group together, right click on it, and then click on Group. After you Group them together, it will be one ClipArt. Then you can right click and format the picture by changing its size. All of the images will be proportional that way.

    That "Group"/"Ungroup" button is a powerful tool. It makes everything so much easier!!!

  4. Love this! I'm teaching summer school this year to incoming first graders...this will be a great reinforcer! Thanks!!

    Miss Kindergarten

  5. Thank you for the great idea for the beginning of the year! I'm a new follower, too!

